السبت، 11 مايو 2013


فارس شنب
As we said in the previous topic that the euro rebound from point 13165
This is a strong point to return to the upper 129

The pair tried to climb higher and reached to 13193, but could not close higher on that day shut down 13165 and exactly at 13159

Look at the following chart:

This week will be an attempt to climb to the 131 area and a temporary farewell where I expect to reach areas 127 soon in the next few weeks, unless there is any emergency that might affect the euro with the exclusion of this proposal!!

13131 strong point to stop the climb
It starts the impact of the defense force in this region from 13101

Any closure above 13131 will threatens downtrend

The euro moved downward at the end of the week has been demonstrated by the peaks

See to intermittent Yellow Line which represents the line of
exponential lines for tops and bottoms of last week.

Concave line represents the line polynomialو It indicates the strength of concavity and slope of exponential lines in Statistics Science

To do calculates the median and mode

So according to a [SHANABA] way, the pair has to visit 13078 again at least during week days

Let us watch Euro according to follow chart of chambers


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